General Federal Government Contracts News & Updates

October 23-24 | Washington, D.C.| Willard InterContinental

Join Fox Rothschild’s Federal Government Contracts & Procurement attorneys, BRG’s Government Contracts professionals, industry leaders and government representative for targeted sessions and networking

Continue Reading Upcoming Event:  Fox’s Fourth Annual Federal Contracts Symposium

The Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA or Board) issued an opinion in Appeal of StructSure Projects, Inc., granting StructSure additional COVID-19 related costs arising under a fixed-price

Continue Reading ASBCA Decision Offers a Potential Avenue for Federal Contractors to Recover COVID-19 Related Costs

The Supreme Court recently decided in Coinbase, Inc. v. Bielski, that federal district courts must stay trial proceedings pending the resolution of an interlocutory appeal of the denial[1]

Continue Reading Federal Arbitration Act: Supreme Court Strengthens Enforcement Protections of a Party Seeking to Compel Arbitration

Early this month, several electrical trade associations urged the Biden administration to implement pragmatic BABA rules.  In the letter sent to the Senior Advisor and Infrastructure Coordinator at the White

Continue Reading Trade Associations Urge the White House for a Pragmatic Regulatory Landscape Concerning the Build America, Buy America (BABA) Rules

This is the eighth (and last) of an eight-part series addressing cutting-edge strategies for Certified Claims under the Contract Disputes Act (CDA).  Certified Claims are the primary avenue available to

Continue Reading CDA Claim Series Wrap Up: Best Practices for Government Contactors